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We are Australia’s leading wholesale supplier of curtain hardware, quality curtain tracking systems and components. Known for the Oslo brand, we offer curtain tracking solutions to suit residential, commercial, medical practices, hotels, and many other applications.

With many different architectural and personal requirements, we are happy to offer quality advice and work closely with our customers to help them choose the perfect system to suit their needs.


Solutions For Every Application

As suppliers of custom made to measure tracking systems, we understand that there are many different options and needs for every job we face. We will work with you in order to find a solution that works specifically for your situation.

Wholesale Supplier
Curtain Hardware is a proudly New South Wales wholesale supplier of high quality curtain tracking systems.
Industry Specialists
Specialising specifically in custom and made to measure curtain track systems to suit your exact requirements.
Curtain Modernisation
At Curtain Hardware we offer a broad range of curtain tracking systems. From slim to sleek, classic to modern, and a collection of automated systems for those looking for something slightly more advanced.
Functional Systems
Working closely with installers in the industry we have designed all of our tracking systems with ease of installation and operation as our main priority.